Saturday, October 4, 2008

there is no more privacy while online..

                I agree that there is no more online privacy because of several reasons.

                The most important reason is our privacy while online and all the data can be hacked.  This irresponsible activity is done by a person or by group of person to achieve their goal, as example hackers hack one person email to get information about that person or their profiles details. Hackers also can change data from the person that they hacked or put some fake information to that person websites.

                Secondly, there is a lot of social networking websites that is not protecting user’s privacy. For example, when we want to sign up for the service, we need to fill all the form such as birth date, full name and also our address. All the information will be shown to the other user and that make it not private anymore. Sometimes this social networking service also show when we online and this make we do not feel that we have privacy while using that services.

                Besides that, there were software can spy all our activities while online. Spyware is the program where keep on monitoring online users activities via cookies files. This is very dangerous because it can track all our private data and record all online activities such as, website that we open, password that we type, and what we talk in instant messaging service. Spyware also can change our entire computer setting and also slow down our computer speed.

                In conclusion, privacy while online does not exist anymore. All our activities can be track, all our private data can be hacked and all our private information knows by the other. While all this things can be known by others, it does not call private anymore.

 250 words......

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