Sunday, October 5, 2008

Onlie privacy

While web technology has been developing rapidly, online privacy still remains a hot issue unsolved. I agree with most of the groups that there is no more online privacy.

First and foremost, no everything is private online. Even though personal details have been shared with terms and condition and privacy control is provided in some websites, user’s information is not fully protected. Web applications are built by service providers who have the full access to information of users subscribed. Hence, even a seemingly trustworthy company may have bad internal practices and reveal user’s information to third parties for certain purposes.

Lack of proper law enforcement to protect user’s online privacy is another reason. Everyday, online users are exposed to threats and risks that their personal information might get stolen. Cookies have been created by certain websites to track user’s online behaviour and share with other companies to gain benefit. There is no strict rules and regulation in the virtual world to ensure online security and user’s rights are protected from misuse of Internet.

Moreover, unethical incidents happen online all the time. Phishing websites trick users to enter bank account information without letting users realize that it is a scam. Hackers with advance IT knowledge access to systems illegally to steal information that is confidential . It is hard for online users to avoid incidents to happen as they are out of the user's control.

In short, online users have to learn to be smart while surfing the net. Precautions have to be taken to protect our online privacy in the virtual world.

(260 words)

Written by,
Foo Jing Wen (A119509)

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