Saturday, October 4, 2008

No Privacy Online

Name : Zahlaha bt Shafii
No.Matrix : A120297

I agree that there is no more privacy online due to several reasons.

The first reason is there are software that can spy our activities during online. For example, besides spyware, sniffer is a software that sniffs our online activities to get our personal information like password or account number.

The next reason is everything can be hack. Hacker is Individual who intends to gain unauthorized access to computer system. By using technology, either hackers or irresponsible person can access our personal information. Sometimes, they need our personal information to get our money or something that is valuables, but there are some of them doing this for no reason.

The last reason is there are lack and limited law against the online content. For instance, cybervandalism which is mean intentional disruption, defacement, or destruction of website that occurs today is one of the cyber crime that still can not be prevent because there are no strict enforcement for this crime.

In the nutshell, I totally agree that there is no privacy online because there are software that can spy our online activities, everything can be hack and lack of law against online content.

193 words

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