Saturday, October 4, 2008

Online privacy?

Name : Chow Soon Lai
Matric No : A120393

I agree that there is no more online privacy due to several reasons.

I agree with other groups' opinion that non-ethical issue is the factor that leads to no more online privacy. Phishing is one of good example that tricks the internet user to key-in their private data. Besides that, hackers creating virus that able to trace what the button is being pressed. They use this method to get the private data. For example, they upload the file that embedded virus to internet and virus will activate once the user click at the file.

Secondly, I agree there is lack of control in information flows. Internet is a virtual world without boundaries, our data are easily exposed to others. Uploaded photo for example, they can grab it and with bad intention their edit your photo and put it back to the website. This considered the worst case because the victim cannot deleted it unless the webmaster deleted it.

Last but not least, I hold with those who say that there are very limited laws and legal protections against the online privacy. This has snowball the cyber crime. People are not afraid to do some bad things because no action can be taken to penalize them. Furthermore, website provider collects users’ information though cookies, this also considered against privacy.

In conclusion, internet is just a virtual world that we cannot hundred percent believed at it. Proper action should be taken by the users to protect their online privacy.

(247 words)

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