Sunday, October 5, 2008


Name : Noraliza Binti Aliman

Matric Number : A 120563

I totally agree that there is no more privacy online.

The first and most importance reason are concerning the hacker problem. Nowadays, everything in the internet including websites, portal and many more can be hack by hacker. Hacker can be given definition as an irresponsible person or group that intrude a websites or portals to gather information and misused it illegally. For example, hackers can hack by guessing a user password using a kind of software or application.

Secondly, privacy is also violated when there are people who are spying on our online activities. This can be done by using software such as malware and spyware. Once this software has infected our Pc, the person who sent this software can track all our online activities. For example, he can know the password we used to logging in because of the spyware will automatically show the same page and what we have type to whom that have sent the software at the first place.

And the third reason is because of the lack information flow control online. These can lead to the spreading of our private information without even our noticing. For instance, we cannot control how far the trustworthy company may used our private information once we have trusted our information to them.

As conclusion there is no more privacy online because of the problem concerning hacker, people can spy on our online activities and also because of the lack information flow control online.

(244 words)

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