Monday, October 6, 2008

There is no more privacy online?

Khairul Irsyad Bin Ab. Gani (A119398)

I agree that there is no more privacy online because of some reason.

Firstly, there are software’s that can be use for spying on user’s online activity.
The examples are malware, adware and spyware which will be installed illegally on internet user’s computer when they browsed on some web pages. The third party that sends the software can get full access to the infected computer and they will get the entire user’s personal information and they will face problem of losing personal information include account pin-number, mail password, and lots more.

Secondly, there are just a few law to prevent the cyber crimes. Lack of proper enforcement on related law can put internet user’s privacy in jeopardise because the irresponsible person such as hacker, the identity thief and other internet crook can take advantage to the internet user’s and manipulates their personal information to make any crime in the cyber world. As the result, there will be no charge for these crooks and the innocent person will be blame for the crime that they don’t commit.

Lastly, lack of safety measures shows that the internet users are vulnerable to various threats such as ‘phishing’. It’s a term used to explain a process where criminals create fake websites to get user's personal information. They may misuse the information, for example stealing money from bank accounts.

In conclusion, there’s no more privacy online due to the various problems existing. Proper security methods should be taken by users to protect their online privacy.

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Sunday, October 5, 2008

no more privacy online??

I agree that there is no more privacy online because of several reasons.

Firstly, the security of the information. The private information can be stealing by other user such as the producer of the web. For example, the myspace website. The producer can read all the subscriber information and if they have bad wish, they can spread the subscriber information to the public. It also known as hacker.

Secondly, lack of law for the content in the website. Nowadays, the internet crimes cannot be preventing. The crimes occur continuously and that makes the user not in the safe condition to subscribe any website. For example, if the user has been cheat in the website, there are no laws that cover them and help them to find the truth.

The third reason is the identity thief problems. Some time the user using the fake identity and try to cheat people. For example, loving couple who fall in love in the chatting room. They start to believe each other then start to share personal things such account number, phone number and address. If the identity thief has all this things, they will leave their loving partner. So that, they become one of the victim of this problem.

In the nutshell, I strongly agree that there is no more privacy online because of the security of the information, lack of law for the content in the website and the identity thief problems.


Siti Yusraliyana, A120356

Onlie privacy

While web technology has been developing rapidly, online privacy still remains a hot issue unsolved. I agree with most of the groups that there is no more online privacy.

First and foremost, no everything is private online. Even though personal details have been shared with terms and condition and privacy control is provided in some websites, user’s information is not fully protected. Web applications are built by service providers who have the full access to information of users subscribed. Hence, even a seemingly trustworthy company may have bad internal practices and reveal user’s information to third parties for certain purposes.

Lack of proper law enforcement to protect user’s online privacy is another reason. Everyday, online users are exposed to threats and risks that their personal information might get stolen. Cookies have been created by certain websites to track user’s online behaviour and share with other companies to gain benefit. There is no strict rules and regulation in the virtual world to ensure online security and user’s rights are protected from misuse of Internet.

Moreover, unethical incidents happen online all the time. Phishing websites trick users to enter bank account information without letting users realize that it is a scam. Hackers with advance IT knowledge access to systems illegally to steal information that is confidential . It is hard for online users to avoid incidents to happen as they are out of the user's control.

In short, online users have to learn to be smart while surfing the net. Precautions have to be taken to protect our online privacy in the virtual world.

(260 words)

Written by,
Foo Jing Wen (A119509)



I agree that there is no more privacy online base on several reasons.

The first reason is there is lack of safety online that can fully protect our online information.

We can see this situation on social networking website. When we save our information on this website other user can know our information. Although we can save our information as a private but it not covers for all function. There still have function that not set as private. Its show that its have lack of safety online.

Our private information can be hacker is the second reason. Hacker is done by person who has no responsibilities. He or she will access our private information without our permission. They will hacker to get our private information such as our account number or password. Then they use our information for their advantage.

The last but not least is lack of control in information flow. By using internet people can send any information without limited. They can send any information such as comment or article. Even the article or comment tell something badness or not true but it still can be posted. Sometimes there are several article teach users something not good that can give badly infect to the user. This proves there is lack of control in information flow in internet.

For the conclusion, I agree that is no more privacy online because there is lack of safety online, our private information can be hacker and lack of control in information flow.

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Name : Noraliza Binti Aliman

Matric Number : A 120563

I totally agree that there is no more privacy online.

The first and most importance reason are concerning the hacker problem. Nowadays, everything in the internet including websites, portal and many more can be hack by hacker. Hacker can be given definition as an irresponsible person or group that intrude a websites or portals to gather information and misused it illegally. For example, hackers can hack by guessing a user password using a kind of software or application.

Secondly, privacy is also violated when there are people who are spying on our online activities. This can be done by using software such as malware and spyware. Once this software has infected our Pc, the person who sent this software can track all our online activities. For example, he can know the password we used to logging in because of the spyware will automatically show the same page and what we have type to whom that have sent the software at the first place.

And the third reason is because of the lack information flow control online. These can lead to the spreading of our private information without even our noticing. For instance, we cannot control how far the trustworthy company may used our private information once we have trusted our information to them.

As conclusion there is no more privacy online because of the problem concerning hacker, people can spy on our online activities and also because of the lack information flow control online.

(244 words)

I disagree no privacy online.

I disagree that there is no more privacy online because there are many way that we can have our privacy while online.

The first reason is we can install software to prevent other people from spying our online activity. For examples are antivirus, anti-malware and anti-spy software. That software can detect virus, malware or spyware from installed to our computer. So, other people cannot spy on user online activities or steal user password and user name.

The second reason is we can notice a fake websites by ourselves. Usually people log in to a same website every day. When the website changed, we may know it just by looking at the website interface of the original website and fake one. Many tips were publishing in the internet to help recognize fake website. When we can notice the fake web site and the original one, we can safe our personal information from being used without our permission to commit fraud or other crimes.

Besides that, we can set our information to be private such as Friendster website. Not all of the information will be protected under private function because those website are making for people to search friend. If we don’t want the information can be seen by others, don’t sign up for the website

In conclusion, there is a privacy online if we careful when online like install certain software, study about the website that we use and make a choice to let other people see our information or not.

(249 words)

by: Rosaimi Sari (A113443)

do you that there is no privacy online?

I agree that there is no more privacy online because of several reason.

The first reason is everything nowadays possible to be hack. Trying to intrude any user account or webpage become easier. More high technology, more people with non ethical intrude and do many bad things. For example, people can hack any account users, get their detail identity and start to do cyber criminal.

The second reason is there is no insufficient cyber law. Lack of cyber law bring more cyber criminal. As we know, people can spread spam easily and they will use cookies to get information about users. As there is no action taken due of that , many people do cyber criminal.

The third reason is not everything is private although we set the information as a private. For example, Friendster which is a among of the social networking besides myspace tagged and so on. For friendster, even we setting that as a private, the information about status, name and location still can be see in public.

In conclusion, there is no more privacy online since everything can be hacked easily, no insufficient cyber law and not everything is private although we set as a private.

Ili Izzati Sani (A120352)
200 words

Saturday, October 4, 2008

No Privacy Online

Name : Zahlaha bt Shafii
No.Matrix : A120297

I agree that there is no more privacy online due to several reasons.

The first reason is there are software that can spy our activities during online. For example, besides spyware, sniffer is a software that sniffs our online activities to get our personal information like password or account number.

The next reason is everything can be hack. Hacker is Individual who intends to gain unauthorized access to computer system. By using technology, either hackers or irresponsible person can access our personal information. Sometimes, they need our personal information to get our money or something that is valuables, but there are some of them doing this for no reason.

The last reason is there are lack and limited law against the online content. For instance, cybervandalism which is mean intentional disruption, defacement, or destruction of website that occurs today is one of the cyber crime that still can not be prevent because there are no strict enforcement for this crime.

In the nutshell, I totally agree that there is no privacy online because there are software that can spy our online activities, everything can be hack and lack of law against online content.

193 words

there is no more privacy while online..

                I agree that there is no more online privacy because of several reasons.

                The most important reason is our privacy while online and all the data can be hacked.  This irresponsible activity is done by a person or by group of person to achieve their goal, as example hackers hack one person email to get information about that person or their profiles details. Hackers also can change data from the person that they hacked or put some fake information to that person websites.

                Secondly, there is a lot of social networking websites that is not protecting user’s privacy. For example, when we want to sign up for the service, we need to fill all the form such as birth date, full name and also our address. All the information will be shown to the other user and that make it not private anymore. Sometimes this social networking service also show when we online and this make we do not feel that we have privacy while using that services.

                Besides that, there were software can spy all our activities while online. Spyware is the program where keep on monitoring online users activities via cookies files. This is very dangerous because it can track all our private data and record all online activities such as, website that we open, password that we type, and what we talk in instant messaging service. Spyware also can change our entire computer setting and also slow down our computer speed.

                In conclusion, privacy while online does not exist anymore. All our activities can be track, all our private data can be hacked and all our private information knows by the other. While all this things can be known by others, it does not call private anymore.

 250 words......

Online privacy?

Name : Chow Soon Lai
Matric No : A120393

I agree that there is no more online privacy due to several reasons.

I agree with other groups' opinion that non-ethical issue is the factor that leads to no more online privacy. Phishing is one of good example that tricks the internet user to key-in their private data. Besides that, hackers creating virus that able to trace what the button is being pressed. They use this method to get the private data. For example, they upload the file that embedded virus to internet and virus will activate once the user click at the file.

Secondly, I agree there is lack of control in information flows. Internet is a virtual world without boundaries, our data are easily exposed to others. Uploaded photo for example, they can grab it and with bad intention their edit your photo and put it back to the website. This considered the worst case because the victim cannot deleted it unless the webmaster deleted it.

Last but not least, I hold with those who say that there are very limited laws and legal protections against the online privacy. This has snowball the cyber crime. People are not afraid to do some bad things because no action can be taken to penalize them. Furthermore, website provider collects users’ information though cookies, this also considered against privacy.

In conclusion, internet is just a virtual world that we cannot hundred percent believed at it. Proper action should be taken by the users to protect their online privacy.

(247 words)

Friday, October 3, 2008

No Online Privacy

Name : Amalia Mabrina Masbar Rus
Matric No : A120998

I agree that there is no more online privacy because of several reasons.

My first reason is people can spy our online activities by using a thing called cookies. It can gives information about our online activities. Every time we open a website, the cookies are stored in our computer. These cookies can be used by the website owner to track our online activities. The owner will know what comment we gives, what links we click and the time we spent in the website.

The second reason is someone can access any website. The hacker can steal our account for the website by creating the fake website which asks for username and password for logging in. When user enters their username and password, these data is sent to the hacker’s e-mail, not for logging in. Then the hacker uses these username and password to enter the private website.

The last reason is someone can search for our personal information. If we join the social networking website like Friendster or Facebook then it will be easier. In Friendster, our personal information like birthday, what we likes, our status of relationship, and other information are appear on our profile information. Even this information is only for our friends but there is a chance for other people to see these too by stealing our account.

In conclusion, I think there is no more online privacy because someone can spy our online activities, stealing our account and get our personal information.

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With use of the internet increasing at a rapid rate, online privacy is something questionable. There is no more privacy online because of hacking, non-ethical incidents online and information is not always true or high quality.

Mainly, hacking is a crime, which entails cracking systems and gaining unauthorized access to the data stored. Hackers take unauthorized access to a system and steal system information illegally. For example, hackers create fake websites requiring personal information like password. They tend to misuse other user’s e-mail accounts like sending business promotions. Other examples include downloading copyright data and accessing protected data.

There are non-ethical incidents occurring online unlimitedly. Personal information about users may be seen by other users if users forget to log out of their messenger accounts. For example, ‘’. Besides that, many misuse online web messenger services to chat and make friends with false identities. This may lead to crimes like robbery if users’ accidently reveal their personal information like address or telephone numbers.

Information online is not always true or of high quality proves that lack of privacy online. Through internet, anyone can publish any materials without limits. Users can post any comments or critics about other users or organizations and can’t be deleted unless detected. Some even use internet to post sensitive issues to provoke emotions. This may affect reputation and image of individuals .

Conclusively, there is no more online privacy due to various reasons discussed.

By, T.Shaarma Thannimalai, A120587

Number of words : 238

No more privacy online???

i agree that there is no more privacy online because of several reason.

The first reason is lack of control in information flow. Internet is a virtual world with no boundaries and limits. Even a small update in website can be noticed by everyone in this world. For example, in Friendster, any changes of profile or new photos updated can be browsed by other user because there is a notifications in other user's website.

Secondly, there are very limited law and legal protection against the online content. Information can be spread out widely with no limits. For example, people can send spam easily to everyone at anytime. Hence criminal crimes increase for those people who do no abide the law. But no action or punishment can be taken to them.

The third and the most important reason is lack of safety online. Our own information easily to steal by people by hacking our accounts. For example, there are alot of unknown users hack other user's accounts to steal their pin number and hence create a new fake identity. Then this fake identity is used by people to do bad things.

In conclusion, i agree that there is no more privacy online due to lack of information control, insufficient of cyber law to protect our privacy and lack of safety online.

(221 words)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

There is no more privacy online?

I agree that there is no more privacy online due to several reasons.

The first and the most important reason is there is insufficient of cyber law. The lack of strict enforcement of related law will increase cyber crimes. For example, people can forward spam easily and website providers use cookies to collect user's information. However, there is no action can be taken to penalize all those who do not abide the rules.

Secondly, there is lack of control in information flow. Internet is a virtual world with no boundaries, so even a small update on the website can be browsed by anyone at anytime and anywhere. For example, in Facebook, when we make changes in our profile such as relationship status or our birthday date, there will be notifications show on the website and other users will know about it.

Lastly, there are a lot of non- ethical incidents occur online. There are a lot of unknown online users can access to Internet. For example, hackers can hack into other user's personal account to get details such as password. This will lead hackers to create a fake identity to get other user's personal information.

As a conclusion, I strongly believe that there is no more privacy online because there is insufficient of cyber law, lack of control in information flow and there are a lot of non-ethical incidents occur online.

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