Monday, September 29, 2008

There is no more privacy online?

Do you agree or disagree that there is no more privacy online?

I agree that there is no more privacy online because of several reasons.

Firstly,the most important reason is there is insufficient of Cyber law to protect our online privacy. Today, we can receive many information in your email account from unknown people. Normally this people forward the spam email to your account easily and there are cannot be control because there are no action can be taken to penalize those who do not abide the rules.

Secondly, the other reason is everything can be hack. For example, today there are a few irresponsible people like hacker can enter your Pc without your knowledge. So if you create your own password in your account, they can enter easily because normally the hacker is a very expert people at a particular program like programming. They can enter your account whether you are setting it in private.

Lastly, there is no more privacy online because many webpage like Tagged, Friendster, Myspace and others can view with other users whether we set it in private.This is because there are a notification that allow users know when you are edit your account profile.For example your relationship status.

In conlusion, there is no privacy online due the several reasons like there is insufficient of Cyber law to protect our online privacy, everything can be hack and there is notification after users editing their profiles.

( 241 words )

Norfazidah Mahphoth

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