Sunday, September 14, 2008

Since the beginning of intensive use of the internet and there are still existing problems regarding the privacy online. There is no more privacy online because of the limited law and legal protection, free flow of information and the vulnerability of online content.

There are very limited law and legal protection against the online content. Lack of proper and strict enforcement of related law increases cyber crimes. Website providers use cookies to collect information about users.This is considered to be stealing information and against privacy. Besides that, people are not afraid to misuse the internet like posting sensitive comments online.

Besides that, there is a lack of control in information flow online. Anyone can access the internet and send messages massively to unknown users. Uploaded items can be viewed by all and cannot be deleted unless detected. For instance, personal video clips. Free flow of information influences spreading spam unlimitedly and the original sender cannot be detected.

Lack of safety measure shows that the internet users are vulnerable to various threats. Internet allows anyone to hack into other people's personal account to get details like pin number. This too leads to phishing where criminals create fake websites to get user's personal information.Information steallers may misuse the information, for example stealing money from bank accounts.

In conclusion, the status of online privacy is still a question mark due to the various problems existing. Proper security methods should be taken by users to protect their online privacy.

Number of words : 245

Group Members : T.SHAARMA THANNIMALAI -A120587

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