Monday, September 15, 2008

Do you agree or disagree that there is no more privacy online??

Group Member:
1) Amalia Mabrina Masbar Rus (A120998)
2) Noraliza Binti Aliman (A120563)
3) Quan Wei Yee (A120046)
4) Leong Mei Mung (A120453)
5) Khairul Irsyad Bin Ab. Gani (A119398)

I agree that is no more privacy online because of several reasons.

The first and most important reason is everything can be hack. The irresponsible user such as hacker can generate or use a kind of software or application that can steal my information without being notice by me. For example, hacker can create a fake webpage that ask for password. Then users will enter their password without noticing that the webpage is faked. Hence the hacker can get users private information by using the password.

Secondly, there are some virus and software that can use to spying my online activity. The examples are malware and spyware software. When visiting some websites, this software wills automatically being installed to our personal computer. So the third party that sends the software will spy on users online activities such as chatting on MSN messenger.

Besides that, not everything is private although I set my information to be private online such as Friendster website. On that website there is a function where users can set their profile to be private. However, not all of the information will be protected under private function. In this website, there is information that can be seen by other although it is a private profile such as name, location and users’ status.

In conclusion, there is no more privacy online since my information can be hack, there exits some software which can spy my online activities and information that should be private is not private anymore.

(248 words)

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