Saturday, September 27, 2008

There is no more privacy online???

NO MATRIC: A120046

I agree that there is no more privacy online because of several reasons.

Firstly, there is insufficient cyber law to protect our online privacy. Although there are enormous cyber crimes taken place each day but still no strict action taken by the authorities. This causes those irresponsible users such as hackers to continue their wrong action. For example, hackers will create a fake webpage which ask for the user’s private information towards other internet users for their own benefits.

Besides that, there is a lack of control in information flow online. Lack of information flow control cause user’s personal information easy to be spread out to other internet users. For example, most of the users who participate in website blogging and other online activity do not know how to prevent the website they use from sending their birth date, age, and also other information to other internet users.

Lastly, lack of safety measures shows that the internet users are vulnerable to various threats. Being exposed to the threads of viruses, malware and cookies that use to spying our online activity, internet users will face problem in losing personal information include medical status, education background, and even information in Identity Certification. This information will be sold to Insurance Company, and other company for business purpose.

In conclusion, I emphasis that there is no more privacy online due to insufficient cyber law to protect our online privacy, lack of control in information flow online, and internet users are vulnerable to various threats.

(249 words)

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