Monday, September 15, 2008

There is no more privacy online??

I agree that there is no more privacy online due to several reasons.

The first and the most important reason is there are a lot of non-ethical incidents occur online.Sadly,we cannot trust anyone using the network as there are a lot of unknown online users can access to Internet. For example, hackers can hack into our accounts to steal our information. Besides, there are impostor that use other identities for the use of cheating.

Secondly , there is insufficient of Cyber law to protect our online privacy. Information can be circulated online widely. For instance, people can forward spam easily and no action can be taken to penalize those who do not abide the rules. Moreover, some trustworthy company may have bad internal practices and expose us to identity theft.

Finally, there is no more privacy online because Internet is a virtual world without boundaries. Even a small update on website can be browsed by people anytime and anywhere. For example, in the Facebook ,if there is anything changed in the user contact's profiles such as relationship status, there will be a notification that can be see by others.

All in all, I strongly agree that there is no more privacy online because there is lots of non-ethical incidents occur online, insufficient of Cyber law and Internet is a virtual world without boundaries.

(225 words)

Written by:
Foo Jing Wen
Wong Ying Huey
Kok Mei Jie
Ling Kwee Feng

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